


Raymund St
Bacolod City

Invoice Number INV-210037
Invoice Date 6 September 2021
Due Date 17 September 2021
Total Due $1,855.00
Collab Enterprises Ltd

27 Aldred Road Remuera

Colland Enterprises, Brandbiz and the Juice Projects

06/09/2021 10:30 to 3:30pm IT Quoter Design ITQuoter In Figma Creating and layout of staging home page 5
07/09/2021 12:30pm to 6:pm ITQuoter Home page design in figma, home page staging layout, Illustration samples 5.5
08/09/2021 10:30am to 4:30 pm ITQuoter Home page design in figma, Home page staging desig, New layout templates for features elements 6
09/09/2021 1:15pm to 5:45pm ITQuoter IT quoter website staging update, layout 4.5
10/09/2021 9ap to 10am ITQuoter meeting with nick 1
10/09/2021 10:15am to 3:15pm ITQuoter Staging website design, and Figma design for the features section 5
11/09/2021 0
12/09/2021 0
13/09/2021 9:30pm to 2:30pm ITQuoter design, website review, check analytics, design new layout in staging 5
13/09/2021 2:30 to 3;30 BrandBiz Brandbiz website update and meeting 1
14/09/2021 10:45am to 3:15pm ITQuoter IT Quoter website layout, revisions and update 4.5
15/09/2021 9:am to 9:30pm ITQuoter Meeting Meeting with Nick 0.5
15/09/2021 10am to 3:30 pm ITQuoter Figma Design and Staging design update, Home page 5.5
16/09/2021 8;45 to 2; 45 ITQuoter Home page layout and graphic image creation, main banner 5
17/09/2021 12:pm to 4:30pm ITQuoter Home page, suppliers page 4.5

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
5 06/09/2021 10:30 to 3:30pm IT Quoter Design ITQuoter In Figma Creating and layout of staging home page

Design & Development

5.5 07/09/2021 12:30pm to 6:pm ITQuoter Home page design in figma, home page staging layout, Illustration samples

Design & Development

6 08/09/2021 10:30am to 4:30 pm ITQuoter

ITQuoter Home page design in figma, Home page staging desig, New layout templates for features elements

4.5 09/09/2021 1:15pm to 5:45pm ITQuoter IT quoter website staging update, layout 4.5

09/09/2021 1:15pm to 5:45pm ITQuoter IT quoter website staging update, layout 4.5

1 10/09/2021 9ap to 10am ITQuoter meeting with nick 1
5 10/09/2021 10:15am to 3:15pm ITQuoter Staging website design, and Figma design for the features section

Design & Development

5 13/09/2021 9:30pm to 2:30pm ITQuoter design, website review, check analytics, design new layout in staging 5
1 13/09/2021 2:30 to 3;30 BrandBiz Brandbiz website update and meeting 1
4.5 14/09/2021 10:45am to 3:15pm ITQuoter IT Quoter website layout, revisions and update 4.5

Design & Development

.5 15/09/2021 9:am to 9:30pm ITQuoter Meeting Meeting with Nick 0.5

Design & Development

5.5 15/09/2021 10am to 3:30 pm ITQuoter Figma Design and Staging design update, Home page 5.5
5 16/09/2021 8;45 to 2; 45 ITQuoter Home page layout and graphic image creation, main banner 5
4.5 17/09/2021 12:pm to 4:30pm ITQuoter Home page, suppliers page 4.5

Design & Development

Sub Total $1,855.00
Tax $241.96
Total Due $1,855.00