

Raymund St
Bacolod City

Invoice Number INV-210039
Invoice Date 4 October 2021
Due Date 15 October 2021
Total Due $1,627.50
Collab Enterprises Ltd

27 Aldred Road Remuera

Colland Enterprises, Brandbiz and the Juice Projects

04/10/2021 10:15am – 3:15pm ItQuoter add suppliers and distributors 5
05/10/2021 11:00am – 4:30pm IT Quoter add suppliers, features and pricing 5.5
06/10/2021 10:15am – 4:45pm ITQuoter New Update, home page, from file. Main Banner video 6.5
07/10/2021 12:15pm - 1:15pm ITQuoter Catchup meeting 1
07/10/2021 2:15pm - 5.45pm ITQuoter Home page sections, updates 3.5
08/10/2021 10:30am - 3;00pm ITQuoter Features updates, success stories updates. 4.5
09/10/2021 0
10/10/2021 0
11/10/2021 10:45am – 4:15pm ITQuoter Home page updates, steps section 5.5
12/10/2021 1:00 – 5:30pm ITQuoter Home page design updates, success stories, features 4.5
13/10/2021 10:15am – 3:15pm ITQuoter Website design update, all plans include, Simple steps 5
14/10/2021 0
15/10/2021 11:15am – 4:45pm ITQuoter Website updates, integrations, 5.5


Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
5 04/10/2021 10:15am – 3:15pm ItQuoter add suppliers and distributors
5.5 05/10/2021 11:00am – 4:30pm IT Quoter add suppliers, features and pricing
6.5 06/10/2021 10:15am – 4:45pm ITQuoter New Update, home page, from file. Main Banner video 6.5
1 07/10/2021 12:15pm - 1:15pm ITQuoter Catchup meeting 1
3.5 07/10/2021 2:15pm - 5.45pm ITQuoter Home page sections, updates
4.5 08/10/2021 10:30am - 3;00pm ITQuoter Features updates, success stories updates. 4.5
5.5 11/10/2021 10:45am – 4:15pm ITQuoter Home page updates, steps section
4.5 12/10/2021 1:00 – 5:30pm ITQuoter Home page design updates, success stories, features 4.5
5 13/10/2021 10:15am – 3:15pm ITQuoter Website design update, all plans include, Simple steps 5
5.5 15/10/2021 11:15am – 4:45pm ITQuoter Website updates, integrations, 5.5 $35.000.00%$192.50
Sub Total $1,627.50
Tax $212.28
Total Due $1,627.50